We recently wrote about Motorola's plans to launch the XOOM in India, and now that has finally happened. This Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) tablet will be made available in two variants: a Wi-Fi only version and a Wi-Fi + 3G version, priced at Rs 32,990 and Rs 39,990 respectively. The Wi-Fi only version seems pretty reasonable and it doesn't really make much sense to pay Rs 7,000 more to get the 3G SIM card slot, because most users use the tablets at home or while at the office. Having 3G on the tablet will be useful for users who are on the go for most parts of the day.
The XOOM will sport a 10.1" TFT capacitive display which is capable of playing 1080p Full HD videos, a 5 MP snapper on the back capable of recording 720p video, and a 2 MP front facing camera for video calls. Furthermore, the XOOM will be powered by NVIDIA's 1 GHz Tegra 2 dual core CPU with 1 GB of RAM, and will have 32 GB of internal storage which can be expanded up to 32 GB with the help of an external microSD card slot. Other features include an HDMI port, Bluetooth, GPS with A-GPS, etc.
Motorola Mobility's head for Sales and Operations (India and South West Asia), Mr Rajan Chawla said, "Motorola XOOM is redefining the tablet experience by pre-empting the future mobile experience today. Designed from the ground up with the user in mind, it offers productivity while on the go and, provides more ways to have fun and connect with friends. Motorola XOOM is everything that a tablet should be!"
With a wide range of Honeycomb tablets to choose from, we think the Motorola XOOM is no different from others in terms of hardware. Other tablets that come to mind are the Acer Iconia Tab, which was the first Honeycomb tablet to make way to India, and the yet to be launched Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1.
Please note that the prices listed by Motorola are Best Buy prices so the actual MRP in the market might differ.
The XOOM will sport a 10.1" TFT capacitive display which is capable of playing 1080p Full HD videos, a 5 MP snapper on the back capable of recording 720p video, and a 2 MP front facing camera for video calls. Furthermore, the XOOM will be powered by NVIDIA's 1 GHz Tegra 2 dual core CPU with 1 GB of RAM, and will have 32 GB of internal storage which can be expanded up to 32 GB with the help of an external microSD card slot. Other features include an HDMI port, Bluetooth, GPS with A-GPS, etc.
Motorola Mobility's head for Sales and Operations (India and South West Asia), Mr Rajan Chawla said, "Motorola XOOM is redefining the tablet experience by pre-empting the future mobile experience today. Designed from the ground up with the user in mind, it offers productivity while on the go and, provides more ways to have fun and connect with friends. Motorola XOOM is everything that a tablet should be!"
With a wide range of Honeycomb tablets to choose from, we think the Motorola XOOM is no different from others in terms of hardware. Other tablets that come to mind are the Acer Iconia Tab, which was the first Honeycomb tablet to make way to India, and the yet to be launched Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1.
Please note that the prices listed by Motorola are Best Buy prices so the actual MRP in the market might differ.